Monday, April 7, 2014


This post is about my youngest child, and only son, Rockwell.

Rockwell is not even two years old yet and there is already lots to tell you about him.  I guess I should start with his name.  I am often asked, "how'd you come up with that name?"

Since this post is about Rockwell, and not me I won't dwell on my pregnancy with him, but it is an integral part in naming him.  To be brief and understated I will say I had a horrible pregnancy with him.  The name Rockwell came up one night when I jokingly suggested the name "Norman" because my husband and I were watching the show, American Pickers, and the kindest old man, "Norm" was on it and I loved the old guy instantly.  He was the kind of man I would want my son to turn out to be like.  I didn't know if I had a baby boy or girl growing in me yet, but I said, "How about Norman?"

My husband instantly rejected it protesting with reference to the show, "Cheers" and how the regular drunk was greeted as he entered the bar, "NORM!" glasses raised and all.  I could not shake the sweet old man and when I'd say, "Norman" it was followed by "Rockwell."  Kind of like "Bacon and eggs." 

Alex actually liked my suggestion, "So I cannot help but think 'Rockwell' when I say 'Norman.'  What do you think of 'Rockwell?' Crazy name huh? I actually like it.  If it's a boy, let's name him 'Rockwell!.'"  He immediately looked up the popularity of the name on the social security website and found there was no entry on the name, implying it is extremely rare.  This appealed to him, maybe because our first two children have such popular names. 

Weeks went by and we both went from thinking the name would be "cool" to really liking it.  "Xavier" had always been the name we liked for a boy, but once we found out we were having a boy, it made us wonder if "Xavier" was the right name for our baby boy. 

Okay, so you know how I mentioned my pregnancy? Well, I had a horrible one.  I could have died a few times and would have surely lost Rockwell had we not modern medicine and technology.  I leaned on Jesus so much to get me through the nightmare of an existence I had.  I begged God for mercy and protection for my baby growing despite the condition of my body.  One night I thought I was for sure going into premature labor and was going to lose him.  I was only about 20 weeks along and I remember lying in bed thinking, "He has to have a name.  He cannot die without a name.  His name is Rockwell."  Some how, through the pain and fear I drifted to sleep.  I had a powerful dream.  The dream was me telling someone of a dream (sounds like the movie, Inception).  I told the person that God came to me at the well and told me the baby's name was "Rockwell" because in my pregnancy with him I have come to know Jesus truly is my ROCK and that though I thirst in my flesh [during my pregnancy I could not drink without excessive vomiting] I would never thirst in my spirit.  I was like the woman at the WELL in the Bible.  God came to me and gave me the good news, I was forever filled with the the joy of the lord." 

Jesus saw us through 37 weeks of that pregnancy and I gave birth to my sweet baby boy by induction at 37 weeks and one day.  Starved, in poor health (including the beginning of liver failure) and fatigue I saw my sweet Rockwell for the first time and praised God for surviving!!!

Rockwell was instantly adored by both his big sister.  The following image was taken the day he came home from the hospital.

 Rockwell loves to smile:

Rockwell also loves the bath ("bah" aka "bath" was one of his very first words):

 Rockwell loves to climb (too bad he is too young for rock climbing classes).  He actually learned how to climb the ladder to his sister's bunk bed months before he could walk.  The first week he walked he was dancing on the dining room table, turning circles and marching all over it.  He keeps it interesting for me.

Rockwell is a joy and I cannot wait to see who becomes!!!

Just a few more photos:

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